The Fine Print

TEAMS. Teams of 2 or more must RSVP either by Facebook message or by email to by Wednesday, September 20 to participate. Because you are clever and funny, it would please us greatly if you give your team a silly name and include the names and email addresses of all your teammates. Children are welcome to participate, and of course we don’t need their email addresses. That would be a little weird.
SCAVENGING. At approximately 11 a.m. on September 23, the heretofore mentioned “Teams” will receive an email with a list of mysterious clues leading them to mysterious locations where they will have mysterious adventures. Said “Teams” will have opportunities to earn points, either by taking photographs and videos of themselves or by physically obtaining various and sundry items about town and bringing them to the final rendezvous location.
SCORING. All items or activities will be assigned a point value based on their difficulty level, geographic distance, and whatever other factors Your Judges deem important. Points may be added or deducted for subjective and objective reasons, like scavenging in awesome team-themed costumes (points added!) to arriving late to the final rendezvous location (points deducted, doi). The “Team” with the most points wins, natch.
YOUR JUDGES. As hosts of this here event, No-Nickname Stephanie, Lovely Rita Not-a-Meter-Maid, and William (“Thumbs McGee”) will be the final arbiters of good taste and distinction. Jason (“Smalls McGee”) will serve as a half-judge, adding or deducting half-points if necessary. Local housecat and bon vivant Olive J. Pickles will judge only in the event of a tie.
KEEPIN' IT FUN. Because Your Judges care about you (yes, you!), we are including many, many, many, many, many activities and items on the Scavenger Hunt list for you to choose from. Hopefully so many many that you won’t be able to do them all, and so that you can tailor the hunt to your particular weekendly interests. (That word starts to sound funny when you type it and say it over and over again. Many many many many.)
Scavenger’s Cup is divided into two parts: The first part involves solving riddles and clues grouped together in various locations within the City of Seattle. The second part is more like a traditional scavenger hunt, with a laundry list of items to be obtained. You really needn’t – nay, you probably cannot – complete every single item on the Scavenger’s Cup list to be a winner.
So relax. It means a lot to us that you want to do this. Really, we are touched. So we’re going to make it fun for you, dammit.
KEEPIN' IT LEGAL. All items on the list can be obtained and/or performed legally. You may have to charm the pants off of a stranger to get some items, but last we checked there was nothin’ illegal about that.
KEEPIN' IT FAIR. This goes without saying, but please keep your team together; don’t divide and conquer. This is a together activity!
KEEPIN' IT GREEN. Because Your Judges care about the planet, we think we have designed a very walkable / bikeable / busable Scavenger Hunt. And while we judgeth not ye who chooseth to drive, we shall awardeth bonus points to those Teams who chooseth to minimizeth their carbon footprinteth.
END OF HUNT AND EQUINOX PARTY. At approximately 4 p.m. on September 23, the Scavenger’s Cup will come to an official close at the final rendezvous location. All are invited there to celebrate the autumnal equinox and a Scavenger’s Cup well played. You don’t have to participate in the Cup to attend the Equinox Party, but we subsequently reserve the right to taunt you for this and for any other reason.
GRAND PRIZE. You spent a fun afternoon with friends exploring this amazing city and you want a prize too? So be it. The winning team gets to walk away with a bona fide, plastic and metal (?) “Scavenger’s Cup” trophy. Well, technically you don’t get to walk away with it, because we will have your team’s name engraved on the sucker before we give it to you. You will keep it and display it proudly until next year. At a future date and time TBD, the winning team will also be treated to a full array of high quality family fare at the Wedgwood Broiler, a neighborhood restaurant and cocktail lounge—a Wedgwood tradition since 1965.
*With mad props to the University of Chicago Scavenger Hunt Organization Committee.
++ Regardless of what activities your team decides to pursue in Part I of the Scavenger’s Cup on September 23, all team members are highly encouraged to visit in advance of the Scavenger’s Cup to download a free ticket to one of these three museums: The Burke Museum, MOHAI, or the Nordic Heritage Museum. There may or may not be some clues in some of those places. Maybe. We’re not sayin’.

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